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Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Special Ed Bloghop

I am linking up with Jamie from Tales of a Carolina Girl to share your best advice for the beginning of the school year. Click on the link to below for lots of great advice!

Name: Laural
Job Title: EC (Exceptional Children) Teacher, Resource and Inclusion
Grades: 2- 5
# of years on the job: 3. Prior to that I worked as a substitute teacher and an aide in a multi-handicapped room with 7 students, 1 teacher, and 4 aides.
Best Advice:
Create a schedule for special ed students first. Then, create the general ed schedule around the special ed schedule.
Keep your sense of humor.
Stay positive no matter how strong a storm you face.
Build relationships with students, parents, teachers, the janitor, the secretary, admin, the librarian, the tech teacher, the gym teacher, the art teacher, and anyone else you come across.


  1. Hi Laural! Thank you for linking up. I like your advice about scheduling. I am partly dreading having to create my schedule with having so many students in so many different grades. I look forward to reading more from you!

    Tales of a Carolina Girl

    1. Thank you, Jamie. This was my first blog hop and I thank you for inspiring me to try something new! Good luck with your schedule. I am fortunate that our principal believes in scheduling EC first, then gen ed.

  2. Fabulous advice! Keeping a sense of humor is so important! I had the craziest day at school yesterday, but at the end all I could do was laugh about it because I kept thinking I can't believe this is actually happening! :) Make it all easier to deal with :)

    Looking forward to following your blog!!

    Breezy Special Ed

  3. Great advice! It is soooo important to build those relationships. You need everyone working for the good of the student. :)
    Little Room Under the Stairs

