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Monday, March 24, 2014

Get ready to learn

Today in the resource room:  Two students are standing in front of the smart board. One is explaining with enthusiasm the game they are going to play. This game will be all about 2D and 3D shapes. His energy is contagious and they are smiling. His words before they push the start button...."Get ready to learn!" 
This makes me happy.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Great afternoon

We had a terrific ERD today! Lots of great ideas for anchor charts, websites for writing lessons, and teacher led PD. Thanks Mrs. Jordan!

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Straws and pipe cleaners

Here we are creating geometric shapes with pipe cleaners and straws. Another hands on activity!

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

We LOVE reading!

Lucky me, I start each school day in a 4th grade classroom with an amazing and inspiring teacher. Together we strive to increase the reading skills of the special ed and general ed population in this class. We LOVE reading. Our students are exposed to multiple modes of practicing fluency. We use whole group and individual fast phrases, reading passages for hot and cold reads, and we just started using Whole Brain Teaching's SuperSpeed1000. The kids love it and the teachers get goose bumps watching the kids use it. If you haven't added this your list of resources for fluency practice, you are missing out! Below is a picture of the graph we use to chart team success and a picture of a team practicing their words! 
